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CNC Lite
CNC Lite

CNC Lite for Lathe
CNC Lite for Lathe

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Low Cost

The Best prices in the industry
OEMs and Retrofitters can now have an entry-level CNC controller to compete at the lowest prices with a unique software upgrade path to offer their customers. Upgrade the software and still use the same computer, motion card and wiring connections.

Freedom of Choice

The Best customizable user interface
OEMs and Retrofitters can now standardize on one controller kit from one company for all their machine tool types. They can configure the machine and the operator interface as simplistic or as feature rich as their customers want. They will also have a choice to offer feature upgrades without selling them a new controller. All they would have to do is e-mail a new CBK backup file to enable new features, change the screen or add new G and M codes.

What if you build new machines and you want to offer the customer a choice of interfaces to compete, match and beat what your competition is offering. You could fully customize your own operator interface or choose from several standard controller interfaces. Change the user interface so it will appear to simulate your favorite control. There are several default screens to select from and get you going. The end user can restore his favorite backup file anytime.

The choice is yours

The Best range of choices and prices
(1) Six ready-to-go control enclosures to select from.
(2) A complete ready-to-go, low-cost hand-held controller.
(3) Hardware & Software as well as Software-only kits for OEMs and Retrofitters.

Fast and Reliable

The Best dual processor hardware
The hardware is tested and proven with over 200,000 motion cards shipped to date. 62.5 microsecond servo update times result in cutting feed rate velocities of up to 122,000 IPM, which is far greater than today's servo motor technology. With our auxiliary digital I/O cards you can detect a change of state at rates of 10,000 times a second. Dual processors allow multiple events and multiple positioning motions to happen simultaneously. 3D profiles can be cutting while the tool is changing or a servo motor positions a rotary table. The extra processor on the motion card is not only the best way to close the servo loop with the motors, it is also the fastest method known to date to produce the fastest block-to-block cutting speeds. Since a single computer CPU is already doing so much processing to react to digital I/O events, user interactions, position display updates, G code processing, in-position and on-target checking, it is common sense that it would be better to have another processor handle the tight closing of the servo loop with the motors. We all have to admit to the extra safety a dual processor offers if the computer pauses, fails or locks up. Every PC-based controller that wants to control a servo motor needs a motion card to work with the computer of some sort - bar none -- be it a non-intelligent digital-to-analog card without a dual processor to a full DSP-based intelligent motion card with a dual processor that will automatically and independently close the servo loop of the CPU.

Advanced Diagnostics

The Best and most complete real-time diagnostics
A whirlwind of self-diagnostic features include: axis motor tests, spindle test, digital I/O states, basic servo tuning, analog voltage and position displays, watch windows and the remote viewing option via a modem with CamSoft directly. Hardware items or even logic can be debugged and modified remotely. With the CAD/CAM option you can press a button on the screen to call for technical help using a modem with a phone No. burned into the software. How many service people can prevent needlessly flying around the country on missions to solve technical support problems like these?

Cut Visual Models Not Code

The Best new idea and trend since the NC was invented
We have the ability for the CAD/CAM system and CNC Lite to share the same database in memory. The part can be directly cut from the graphics on the CAD/CAM screen without the need for post processors or G code files to be written. You can pass graphic picture files of your parts rather than G and M codes. In this mode you can take any picture of a tool path on the screen, whether it was imported by another CAD/ CAM system or drawn by you with our CAD/CAM system, and initiate a cycle start. The picture on the screen drives the machine rather than any interpretation of codes or G code programs. The controller shares the same DLLs and ActiveX components with the CAD/CAM system. You can be designing your next part on the screen while the machine is cutting the current part and when you are all done drawing your new part, just press cycle start.

Crash Barriers

The Best way to add extra safety to your application
Set up fixture, vise, clamp and chuck crash barriers. These barriers are software settable limits for use by each tool number. If the tool or axes reach or passes this barrier, motion automatically stops.

Interruptible Cut-in-progress

The Best way to restart after an interruption
If for any reason the cut-in-progress is interrupted, the user can click on the place in the program to resume, even if it's midway through the profile. The system will give you a choice on how to restart. The control will ask if there are any codes you would like to enter before you resume or it can automatically scan the program from the start to read the offsets, tool number, speeds and feeds prior to resuming the cut. This feature is useful if your tool breaks, spindle loads up, water pressure drops, flame goes out or wire snaps. The user can then start on the profile prior to the point last cut and replace the tool or restart the water or flame and simply press cycle start to continue.

Set Preferences with Feature Access Limits

The Best way to switch operator interfaces and feature access
Swap configurations on the fly with regards to working directories, user preferences, visible buttons, feature access, tolerances, metric/inch, etc., just by selecting, for example, a customer name or project name as a key. This allows the manager/operator to easily isolate customer specs, simplify or limit access to features, display information, enable visible buttons and access jobs to run for each machine operator by using the customer name as a reference for all changes.


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