| Advanced surface gouge protection. Protects from driving the tool in places it cannot
fit by using a 360 degree look around approach at every tool position. |
| The tool will ride up and over any obstacles in the way or omit the move if the tool
dips into an area it cannot fit. |
| Solid Cut feature which enables one-step tool driving and 3D compensation over 3D solid
models. |
| 3D paths are create using 2D contours that slice the part in the Z axis by stepping up
or down. |
| User-defined containment areas around the surface edges for better control over the
cutting area. |
| Define Ball, Bull Nose, Tapered and even Bull Nose tapered cutters that will check for
gouges even on the taper. |
| Create mold cavities and pockets by question and answer without drawing a thing. |
| Individually bend, twist or modify an axis by any amount and shape. |
| 3D filleted surfaces that allow you to crease and fillet a single surface in one step -
not two individual surfaces. |
| One step tool path projection onto a 3D surface that trims the surface and projects at
the same time. |
| Multi-surface machining in one step that automatically cuts everything on the screen it
sees with full 3D tool compensation. |
| Surfacing features include: Lofted, Coons Patching, 3D Surface Roughing, 3D Filleting,
Trimming, Projection, Interference Checking, Driving the Intersection of Two Surfaces,
Redirecting the tool path flow to any direction and Slicing a Surface into 2D Z Steps. |
| Create a tool path without a surface with any combination of a top view, XZ and YZ side
view or cross section. |