| G00 Rapid move G0 X# Y# Z# up to eight axes or G0 Z# X# |
 | G01 Feed Rate move G1 X# Y# Z# up to eight axes or G1 Z# X# |
 | G02 Clockwise move |
 | G03 Counter Clockwise move |
 | G04 Dwell time G04 L# |
 | G08 Spline Smoothing On |
 | G09 Exact stop check, Spline Smoothing Off |
 | G10 A linear feedrate controlled move with a decelerated stop |
 | G11 Controlled Decel stop |
 | G17 XY PLANE |
 | G18 XZ PLANE |
 | G19 YZ PLANE |
 | G28 Return to clearance plane |
 | G33 Threading (Lathe) |
 | G35 Bypass error checking on next line |
 | G40 Tool compensation off |
 | G41 Tool compensation to the left |
 | G42 Tool compensation to the right |
 | G43 Tool length compensation - negative direction |
 | G44 Tool length compensation - positive direction |
 | G49 Tool length compensation cancelled |
 | G53 Cancel work coordinate offsets |
 | G54-G59 Work coordinate offsets 1 through 6 |
 | G61 Spline contouring with buffering mode off |
 | G64 Spline contouring with buffering mode on |
 | G65 Mill out rectangular pocket |
 | G66 Mill out circular pocket |
 | G67 Flycut |
 | G68 Mill out rectangular pocket with radius corners |
 | G70 Inch mode |
 | G71 Millimeter mode |
 | G74 Peck drilling (Lathe) G83 Z# X# R# |
 | G81 Drill cycle G81 X# Y# Z# R# |
 | G82 Dwell cycle G82 X# Y# Z# R# |
 | G83 Peck cycle G83 X# Y# Z# R# |
 | G84 Tapping cycle G84 X# Y# Z# R# C# |
 | G85 Boring cycle 1 G85 X# Y# Z# R# |
 | G86 Boring cycle 2 G86 X# Y# Z# R# |
 | G88 Boring cycle 3 G88 X# Y# Z# R# |
 | G89 Boring cycle 4 G89 X# Y# Z# R# |
 | G90 Absolute mode |
 | G91 Incremental mode |
 | G92 Home coordinate reset G92 X# Y# Z# |
 | G94 IPM mode (Lathe) default |
 | G95 IPR mode (Lathe) |
 | G96 Constant Surface Feed On (Lathe) |
 | G97 Constant Surface Feed Off (Lathe) |
 | G110 Lathe Groove Face |
 | G111 Lathe Groove OD |
 | G112 Lathe Groove ID |
 | G113 Lathe Thread OD |
 | G114 Lathe Thread ID |
 | G115 Lathe Face Rough |
 | G116 Lathe Turn Rough |
 | G120 Mill Outside Square |
 | G121 Mill Outside Circle or Island |
 | G122 Mill Out Counter Bore |
 | G123 Mill Outside Ellipse pocket |
 | G124 Mill Inside Ellipse pocket |
 | G125 Mill Outside Slot |
 | G126 Mill Inside Slot pocket |
 | G130 3D tool compensation with gouge protection |
 | G131 3D offset parallel to 3D profile |
 | G132 3D tool compensation with gouge protection in the Z axis only |
 | G135 5 axis tool compensation with gouge protection |
 | G136 Included angle limit for gouge protection. G136 L# |
 | G140 3D part rotation and plane tilting G140 U# V# W# R# |
 | G141 Scale factor for the X axis only. G141 L# |
 | G142 Scale factor for the Y axis only. G142 L# |
 | G143 Scale factor for the Z axis only. G143 L# |
 | G160 Mill 3D Cylinder |
 | G162 Mill 3D Sphere |
 | G163 Mill 3D Ramped Plane |
 | G170 Set soft limits and crash fixture/chuck barriers to defaults |
 | G171 Set backward crash fixture/chuck barriers G171 U# V# W# |
 | G172 Set forward crash fixture/chuck barriers G172 U# V# W# |
 | G181 Bolt Hole Drill |
 | G182 Bolt Hole Dwell |
 | G183 Bolt Hole Peck |
 | G184 Bolt Hole Tap |
 | G185 Bolt Hole Bore |
 | M01 Program Stop |
 | M02 End of Program |
 | M03 Spindle On Clockwise, Laser, Flame, Power ON |
 | M04 Spindle On Counter Clockwise |
 | M05 Spindle Stop, Laser, Flame, Power OFF |
 | M06 Tool Change |
 | M08 Coolant On |
 | M09 Coolant Off |
 | M10 Reserved for tool height offset |
 | M13 Spindle On, Coolant On |
 | M30 End of Program when macros are used |
 | M91 Readout Display Incremental |
 | M92 Readout Display Absolute |
 | M97 Go to or jump to line number |
 | M98 Jump to macro or subroutine |
 | M99 Return from macro or subroutine |
 | M100 Machine Zero Reset |
 | M199 Mid program start |